Monday, January 4, 2016

Inline, Header and External Javascript Methods

Welcome to JavascriptHero, You are at perfect place
to give a perfect start on javascript. In this tutorial we will
learn about inline,header and external javascript.

What is Inline Javascript?
Inline Javascript is a javascript written in same line wherever needed.
for example:
<button onclick="alert('hello from inline javascript');">Inline</button>

Here clicking on this button we like to display alert message. Which is written in same line.

What is header section javascript?
Header section javascript is a javascript code
which is called upon doing some event like clicking button.
For example:
<button onclick="show()">header</button>

Here show() method is executed on cliking this button.

What is external Javascript?
External javascript is a javascript written in .js (dot js) format.
External javascript can be used in multiple pages.

For example:
<button onclick="external()">External</button>

Here external function of external.js is executed.

What to put in external file?
Name it external.js & insert code:
function external()
alert("A message from external.js file");

The Full code is as follows:
Inline , header and external javascript
<script src="external.js"></script>
function show()
alert("hello from header section javascript");

<button onclick="alert('hello from inline javascript');">Inline</button>
<button onclick="show()">header</button>
<button onclick="external()">External</button>


A video tutorial related to this article is here in which you will be more clear.

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